CURRENT Openings

Winter Internship Opportunity: Are you interested in structural health monitoring using data analytics and machine learning? Are you curious about how our infrastructure can be made sustainable and monitored within smart cities? Look no further.

The OSCAR Lab at IIT(BHU), Varanasi, is looking for highly motivated interns for a 1-month research internship in the area of real-time structural health monitoring. Algorithmic development, experimentation, and validation through field tests will be carried out for system identification and health estimation of bridges, buildings, wind turbines, and roadways. Ideally, you should be a 3rd-year undergraduate or a Master's candidate with an interest in research and prior experience in coding.

If you are someone who is inquisitive and curious about what this journey will entail (or know someone else who is), we would love to explore the way forward with you! Come and join this highly interdisciplinary and exciting research team at Varanasi and contribute to better shaping the world! Please apply here: 

If you are interested in Ph.D. opportunities, I am not able to evaluate your potential for admission without seeing your application materials. You are welcome to email me before applying but include your CV, future research plans, and other relevant materials to indicate that you have reviewed my website. In addition to hiring a Ph.D. candidate applying directly through the Institute, I intend to work with a prospective Ph.D. student toward a PMRF Fellowship. International research exposure through the Quad Fellowship might also be possible for registered Ph.D. students. 

If you are considering Postdoctoral opportunities, keep in mind that I am looking for postdocs with previous experience in a topic overlapping my research areas. If you think you would be a productive contributor to my group, please email me with the subject "Postdoc inquiry – in response to your website," explain how you would contribute to my group, and describe your prior research. Due to the large volume of emails I get every day, I will only be able to reply to your email if you have provided me with these items. I am happy to host a National Postdoctoral Fellow through SERB and through the Institutional Postdoctoral Fellowship (IPDF)

If you are looking for research internship opportunities, I am open to accepting interns from the summer of 2023. Candidates pursuing their undergraduate degree in Engineering (Civil/Computer Science/Electrical/Electronics Engineering) or Applied Mathematics are encouraged to apply. Please send me an email with the subject title "Application for <position>, <duration>" e.g., Application for Internship, April-August 2023, with your CV (that includes GPA, past/current projects, programming knowledge) with 1-2 paragraphs mentioning your research interests and how you can contribute to our group. Please fulfill the minimum criteria for technical and coding skills before applying for a position. It is usually advised to secure your own funding stream and apply for the correct roles as advertised periodically on the institute website.  I highly recommend you apply for the INSA Summer Research Fellowship and the Focus Area Science Technology Summer Fellowship. Applications for both the programs are normally issued in October-November every year.

The undergraduate students at IIT-BHU are regularly given research opportunities at the OSCAR Lab - both through 3rd year UG Projects and 2nd year Exploratory Projects. Students from the Department of Civil Engineering are encouraged to contact the PI as early as possible to get a headstart on exciting technical projects and get trained in the art of conducting research. Students from other departments can also reach out to be a part of interesting projects involving coding, machine learning, and cloud infrastructure. 

Currently, I am looking for one highly motivated Masters and a Ph.D. candidate. Please note that you require to formally apply through the institute website before joining the group. If you are already a registered candidate in the institute, it is suggested that you schedule a meeting with a proper research portfolio.